My First Rag Quilt

This is for a sweet little boy born to a wonderful couple that we know in our other home in Kansas. These are the colors in his nursery, and they had me craving mint chocolate chip ice cream while I worked on it! I had so much fun deciding on the patterns on the front and back.



It still needs to be washed, and that should fluff up the seams nicely. I’ve been told to wash it in a heavy-duty commercial machine at a laundromat rather than my home machine, since the amount of strings and lint from all of the clipped seams will be extreme. It’s not easy to find time to hang out at a laundromat, so I haven’t finished that step yet. When I do, I’ll try to post a new pic before this project wings its way to Kansas. I’m so pleased with it. It should be a nice size either for a handy snuggle blanket or a play mat. I hope baby George enjoys it!

Framed art for a friend

Butterflies again. I can’t help it. I love them!